Personal Information Handling Policy

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SY-CORPORATION CO., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as 'Company') emphasizes personal information of customers, and observes the "Act on Promotion etc. of Information and Communication Network Utilization and Information Protection".
According to the Company's policy on Privacy Policy, we inform customers which purpose and use the personal information provided is used for, and what kind of actions are taken to protect personal information.
In case the Company amends the policy on personal information, we will disclose as notice on website (or by individual notice).

- This policy is enforced from October 1, 2018.

1. The personal information item to be collected
The Company collects the following personal information for purposes such as member subscription, consultation, request for service etc.
▪Collected item: name, date of birth, sex, log in ID, password, password question and answer, home telephone number, home address, mobile telephone number, email, cookie, settlement record
▪Collection method of personal information: home page (member subscription)

2. Purpose of collection and use of personal information
The Company uses the personal information so collected for the following purpose.
▪Implementation of contract for service rendering and settlement of fares on service rendered, contents provided, purchase and payment for purchase, consignment of goods or invoices, verification on identification for financial transaction and financial service
▪Member management and processing of customer complaint and providing notices such as member verification on identification for use of overall service, personal identification, prevention of illegal use by unqualified member or unauthorized use, confirmation on the intention for subscription, confirmation of age, processing of complaint etc.
▪Use for marketing and advertisement, delivery of advertising information such as events, and apprehending access frequency or statistics of members' use of service

3. Period of holding and using personal information
After the purpose of collection and use of personal information is fulfilled, relevant information shall in principle be destroyed immediately. Provided that, in case preservation of such information is required according to stipulations at related laws and regulations, the Company preserves the member information as follows, during a certain period designated at related laws and regulations.
▪Item to be preserved: settlement record
▪Ground for preservation: record on contracting or withdrawal of application etc.
▪Preservation period: 3 years
▪Record on contracting or withdrawal of application etc.: 5 years (Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce etc.)
▪Record on payment settlement and supply of goods etc: 5 years (Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce etc.)
▪Record on processing of customer complaint or dispute: 3 years (Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce etc.)

4. Destruction process and method for personal information
After the purpose of collection and use of personal information is fulfilled, the Company in principle destroys relevant information immediately. Destruction process and method is as follows;
▪Destruction process
The information input by member for member subscription etc. is transferred to a separate DB (separate document storage in case of paper document) after the purpose of collection and use of personal information is fulfilled. Such information is stored for a certain period according to internal policy and the cause of information protection based on other related laws and regulations (the period of holding and use to be referred to) and then destroyed after lapse of a certain period. Any personal information transferred to a separate DB shall not be used for any purpose other than contemplated in storage, unless required according to law.

▪Destruction method
Any personal information stored in electronic file format shall be deleted by a technical method that defies regeneration of any record.

5. Providing personal information
The Company does not provide any personal information of user to any third party in principle. Provided that, the following cases shall be an exception.
▪In case the users consented in advance.
▪In case due to stipulations at laws and regulation, or due to any request from investigative agency for investigation purpose according to the procedure and method stipulated at law.

6. Entrustment of collected personal information
The Company entrusted the operation of service fulfillment to external specialist as follows;
▪Delegator: HKD COMMS
▪Scope of entrusted duties: website and system management

7. Right of user and legal representative and the method for exercise thereof
▪Any user shall be entitled to refer to or amend the registered personal information of oneself, and to demand withdrawal of subscription, at any time.
▪For reference to or amendment of personal information by user, user may click 'personal information change'(or 'member information correction' etc.), or "member withdrawal" for subscription termination (withdrawal of consent), to review, correct or withdraw directly, through verification procedure on identification.
▪Or any customer may contact the personal information management officer in writing, phone or email. The Company will immediately respond.
▪In case you requested for correction of erroneous personal information, the Company shall neither use nor provide relevant personal information until relevant correction is completed. Also, in case such erroneous personal information has been provided to a third party already, the Company shall immediately notify the result of correction treatment to such third party, so that such third party may implement correction.
▪The Company processes any personal information withdrawn or deleted under user, according to the stipulations at the "the period of holding and using personal information collected by the Company" and shall not review or use for any purpose other than contemplated.
8. Matters related to installation, operation of automatic collection device for personal information and refusal on such device
The Company operates 'cookie' etc. that stores and searches your information at any time. Cookie means a very small text file that the server used for website operation sends to your browser, which is stored in your computer hard disk.
The Company uses cookie for the following purposes.
▪Purpose of using cookie etc.
Providing target marketing and providing personal customized service by analysis on access frequency or time zone by members and non-members, comprehension on user’s preference and area of interest, and tracing track, finding out the degree of participation in various events and the number of visits. You have the option to authorize any installation of cookie. Accordingly, you may set the option on your web browser, to permit all cookies, or to perform verification every time any cookie is stored, or to refuse on installation of any cookie.

▪The method to refuse on installation of any cookie
As the method to refuse on installation of any cookie, you may select an option at the web browser used by member, to permit all cookies, or to perform verification every time any cookie is stored, or to refuse on installation of any cookie.
Example of set up (in case of internet explorer): tool at the upper side of web browser > internet option > personal information
Provided that, in case you refuse to installation of cookie, difficulties may occur to us in providing our service.
9. Customer service for personal information
The Company, in order to protect personal information of customer and to process any complaint related to personal information, designated the department and officer in charge of personal information protection as follows;

Name: Manager LIM ji-ah
Tel: 070-4820-5200
Fax: 031-998-2546
You may report any complaint related to personal information protection that arise in the course of your use of the Company’s service, to the personal information management department or officer.
The Company will promptly provide response sufficiently on any report of user. In case you need reporting or consultation otherwise on infringement of personal information, please contact the following institutions;

Personal Information Dispute Mediation Committee (
Online Privacy Association (
Supreme Prosecutors Office, Internet Crime Investigation Center, (
Korean National Policy Agency, Cyber Terror Response Center (